avfx capital review by forex scam rating – www.avfxcapital.com



Based on our research, we present you with all the facts and figures that shall prove that this brokerage firm is not at all trustworthy and not to be invested with.

Previously known as GIFX, they have the record of having duped people of their money. They never had any specific office or customer support channel and weren’t regulated. They are a strong B-Book based broker and they have crookedly ripped people off their money through investments.

In the market today, we have so many forex brokers, that it might be tough for an investor to pick up the best one from the rest. There are choices and each one has features unique from others. But we believe that with some careful investigations, you would be able to choose the best one for yourself.

Today, we shall review AVFX Capital and skim through their website to check their loopholes and the obvious marks of a crooked broker like them who are nothing but scammers.

So let’s begin…

Our attention is first caught at the “Not Secure” label at the hyperlink of the web address. It is absolutely important to only trust those websites that are secured as it is a platform where you shall be transacting with your hard earned money. When looking for a broker to trust your money with. The first red flag on the AVFX website is the “Not Secure” label.

Now if we talk about the website’s hosting, we can see on www.who.is that the domain was registered this year itself on February 28, 2018. The expiry date of the domain is February 29, 2018 which clearly states their intention of running a one-year game plan. Like, they did with their previous fake entity GIFX. The company is registered and based in New Delhi, while the “Contact Us” section in the website shows that the company is located at St. Vincent, Grenadines and Dubai.

To add to this, the web designer has unknowingly or could be accidentally mentioned about their Indian originality of the website. Noida clearly pops up when you find this company on Google.

Isn’t it surprising that a forex trading company has no contact number? They have no contact number mentioned on their website. Only to our utmost surprise have they given a WhatsApp number which is based in Dubai with country code (+971). The status shows up as available throughout. Another red flag!! Our question is why is it so hard for this brokerage house to afford a landline?

Furthermore, AVFX doesn’t even have their own MT4 Platform and operate via white-label platform from a company named “Deferment.”

With two major glitches, rather red flags, we would judge this company as a red flag! However, let’s proceed further…Another question that crops up in my mind is that how can a forex brokerage company be unable to hire a writer and a web developer who have the sound knowledge of English language and it’s grammatical sense? We found errors in the content of their website. Besides, they claim to be fluent in 13 languages, isn’t that funny?

AVFX is a broker without a genuine license and with an unclear base of operations. Would you like to engage your money with them? Well, I wouldn’t!! If we look at the links on the website, they just do not work, especially the ones at the bottom of the page.



AVFX is owned and governed by SM Global Ltd. and the owners are two Indians namely, Mr. Anil Shekhawat and Mr. Vijay. Ironically they are the same masterminds behind GIFX. More coincidence, the office address is the same. How can scammers be such fools!!


The company operates from Noida under the able scamming leadership of Mr. Anil Shekhawat and Mr. Vijay. They have employed these charming beauties who handle their marketing propaganda and allure clients to invest their savings. Not to mention to lose the investments permanently to such scammers.

After successfully concluded a scam in the name of “GIFX,” the owners deliberately shut down the website. This time around they intelligently came up with www.avfxcapital.com, we must appreciate their creativity.

At last, speaking of internet security, SSL certificate on their browser isn’t active. The SSL certificate is the one that automatically turns the URL from http to https for added encryption and thus activates security. Without the SSL certificate, your information is not secure and can be accessed by anyone. The AVFX Capital website does not have this SSL certificate. We would strongly advise you to not to enter any personal information on their website. There could be a bunch of hackers waiting to pounce on your sensitive information pertaining to your monetary accounts. Just remember, scammers, come in all disguises, and you have to be extremely careful with your personal data.

The reputation of AVFX Capital is simply horrible and it is being run on a White Label from deferment with a bunch of charming beauties under the direction of Mr Anil Shekhawat and Mr Vijay just to rob you of your hard-earned money.


1 Comment

  1. AVFX SCAM AND FRAUD, Hlo everyone my self Raj Kumar Sharma From Uttrakhand, I want to tell you all the full story of AvFx Capital… they are a scammers … i register my account in AvFx Trading and when i withdrawal my amount which is of $14000 they have denied for thst and after that i am unable to widrwal my own money which was $14000.. i want my all money back ..i have all the proofs also that i withdrawal my amount but did’nt received yet .. i lost my all money because of this fraud company.. please guys dont invest your money in this company they are frauds..they do scam with everyone once you invest in this company they dont give you your money back.. so be aware from these frauds otherwise you’ll face the same issue what im facing right now. Please help me to get my money back. People those who have cheated me they are Ananat singh and vijay choudhary.

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