The data on price is smoothed out to form a trend using moving average which is a price indicator. Not only the price direction is indicated, but the current…

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  Forex trading is possible both manually and automatically. In manually trading, a trader researches and analyzes the market and searches for opportune moments to open trading positions for him….

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Forex Liquidity and Volatility

  What is Liquidity in Forex? As you have often heard that the forex/foreign exchange market is financially the most liquid market in the world because it is open 24…

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Popular chart indicators in forex

  Four types of chart indicators fx traders should know: A chart indicator is a trend in forex trading that helps to measure the strength of the trend that is…

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How is Forex Regulated?

Trading currencies calls for tight scrutiny and regulation in order to prevent from massive losses and infringement in trade. Therefore, when foreign currencies are traded they are regulated by bodies…

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Investing Vs Trading

When it comes to wealth creation in equity market, investing and trading are the two genres of the field. However, investing and trading are very different approaches of wealth creation…

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